
71 Pins
A fun, edible way to learn about the relative size of the planets in our solar system. (Yes, Neptune is included)
Raketit puutikuista, väritys vahaliiduilla, planeetat värityskuvina. Mallikuvat: Kati Kujanpää
Easter inspiration | Sainsbury's
If the #Easter weekend brings rain, it doesn’t mean kids can’t go on an adventure. By following these simple steps they can even explore as far as outer space! Now, we can’t promise this homemade rocket ship – constructed entirely from household items – meets exact NASA specifications, or is durable enough to survive re-entry into the earth’s atmosphere, but we’re sure it will fire your kids’ imaginations. #EasterTogether
Size and Order of the Planets - Space Facts
This digram shows off the relative sizes of the major bodies in the solar system and the order of the planets.
Autumn Leaf Suncatchers | Clare's Little Tots
Autumn (Fall) leaf suncatchers. Easy autumn craft for children of all ages.
Maan ja Kuun liikkeet
Tässä opetusanimaatiossa havainnollistetaan Maan ja Kuun liikkeitä. Animaatio koostuu kolmesta osasta: 1) Maa pyörii akselinsa ympäri, 2) Kuu kiertää maapall...