ADHD Coping Strategies

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How to stop ruminating: Ruminative thinking doesn't solve problems!
How to stop overthinking everything! How to stop ruminating! Ruminative thinking doesn’t solve problems! Wondering how to stop ruminating thoughts? Ruminative thinking is not productive problem-solving. Learn the rumination definition to better recognize when it's happening. #mentalhealthmatters #anxietyhelp #problemsolving #howtostopoverthinking #howtostopruminating
5 Ways WFH Helps ADHD
Do you struggle with WFH with ADHD? Once you learn how WFH can help you focus better and increase productivity for work - You will be hooked! Read my personal story on how WFH has worked for me!
10 Awful Symptoms of ADHD and How to Manage Them!
Do you or someone you know have ADHD? Or, are you wondering if you have ADHD? Read this post pm 10 awful symptoms of ADHD and how to start managing them! #adhdsymptoms#howtomanageadhd#adultadhd #adhdinchildren
Adult ADHD Blog- Thriving with ADHD
Rejection sensitive dysphoria or RSD is the extreme emotional sensitivity and pain triggered by rejection, failure, or criticism. While our understanding of RSD is still new, we are learning more every day about why RSD is so much more common for people with ADHD and what can you do about it.
How to Start Everyday In A Positive Mood | Caffeine And Conquer
A good morning routine doesn't have to be an elusive creature we hear about but never experience. Anyone can begin every day in a positive mood, it all comes down to your habits and if you're willing to make some positive changes in your life. | Caffeine and Conquer | Living Your Best Life | Online Entrepreneurship | Pinterest Manager
Home - Tia Harding
Here are 41 self-care ideas you can use to improve your self-love, energy, well-being and mental health!
Toxic Shame: How to Tackle it?
Toxic shame is not a hot topic of discussion when it comes to mental health and well-being. However, its impact is dangerous. Therefore, never ignore the symptoms. The healing process is strenuous and will take up a fair amount of time as well as effort. But do not give up because the journey will transform you into a healthy and happy individual #toxicshame #childhoodtrauma #ifmywoundswerevisible #cptsd #hypervigilance #healingtrauma #psychologicalabuse #childabusesurvivor
ADHD Coping Strategies
Many adults develop ADHD coping strategies to help them navigate life. Some of these strategies are helpful, while others actually produce long-term consequences. #ADHD #ADHDadults #ADHDsymptoms
Home - Tia Harding
82 Fall inspired self-care ideas. #selfcare #fall #autumn #selfcareideas #fallselfcare
20 Affirmations for Self Love to Boost Your Confidence - Mind Body Life
20 Affirmations for Self Love | Mind Body Life. A healthy relationship with yourself is the most valuable relationships we can have. Harnessing real Self-Love may be difficult for some, but it isn't impossible. Here are my 20 Affirmations for Self Love I say Daily. I hope it helps someone today.
How To Stop Worrying | 7 Tips To Stop Worrying All The Time
Do you find yourself worrying more than you think you should? Worrying leads to stress which leads to anxiety, which can ultimately lead to an unhealthy life. If you feel like you worry too much and it's affecting your life, these 7 tips can help you calm your worried mind and ease your anxiety. #worrying #mentalhealth #anxietyrelief
10 Therapeutic Hobbies For Mental Health
Research has found that people who spent time on enjoyable activities were associated with lower blood pressure, positive psychosocial states, lower levels of depression, and an increase in physical performance. Hobbies are great for your mental health. If you feel like something's missing in your life, you may be in need of some fun, go-to hobbies to keep you occupied. #mentalhealth #hobbies #anxietyrelief