
135 Pins
How Reiki Symbols Can Change Your Life | Gaia
How Reiki Symbols Can Change Your Life: the five Reiki symbols you should know if you’re ready to take your spiritual journey to the next level.
That Which Is Eternal In Us Must Be Awakened
The Microcosmic Orbit - Reconnecting with the Original Force
Free E-Book: Reiki + Yoga Healing Tips - Silver Lined Days
reiki healing, spirituality, chakras, holistic wellness, energy healing, law of attraction, meditation, raise vibrations
Third Eye Chakra Healing - Thrid Eye Opening Techniques
Effective ways to balance your #CrownChakra: #chakras #healing #meditation #crystals #reflexology
Solar Plexus Chakra Healing - How to Heal and Balance the Third Chakra
How to heal your #solarplexuschakra: #chakras #healing #meditation #crystals #yoga #aromatherapy
Felt the Kundalini serpent rising within during this meditation
Felt the Kundalini serpent rising within during this meditation
Basic description and instructions for Chakra Meditation, used to open, clear…
Hélène Avérous
CROWN: The center for our highest spiritual consciousness and personal expression... Connects us to our source of life/God.
Hélène Avérous
SACRAL: Concerned with sexuality, sensuality, feeling, pleasure... It drives our desires and awakens our appetites for life.