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I used to say this to my son Patric. He reminds me of Pooh. My son Tyler reminds me of Tigger. There is a great song in this movie 'Pooh's Grand Adventure', called'Forever and Ever'. I sang it to them often.
[500+] Pretty Wallpapers |
I feel like Hakuna Matata is in the Bible somewhere and I haven't found it yet. Genesis 1: And God smiled down upon his creations and said Hakuna Matata. It gotta be in there.
Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach
How we need to remember these words.
Inspiring Quotes Wednesday
It all boils down to how you see things.
Appreciate Life's Simple Pleasures with These Inspirational Quotes
"Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat."
I’m so excited, and I just can’t hide it! (Moments for the journey)
love this! This is very much how I feel and why I have always taken pictures and made scrapbooks.
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quotes. wisdom. advice. life lessons.
This Infinite Paradox
This Infinite Paradox
3 Steps To Forgive Your Spouse And Repair Your Marriage
"One letter makes a great deal of a possessive difference, doesn't? What's your choice? About what? That's up to you. You like to get into words, that's how you got into this board." fw