Gods and Goddesses

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Benzaiten (弁才天, 弁財天) is the Japanese name for the Hindu Goddess Saraswati. Worship of Benzaiten arrived in Japan during the 6th through 8th centuries, mainly via the Chinese translations of the Sutra of Golden Light, which has a section devoted to her. She is also mentioned in the Lotus Sutra and often depicted holding a biwa, a traditional Japanese lute. Benzaiten is the goddess of everything that flows: water, words, speech, eloquence, music and by extension knowledge.
Magical Photography by Shinji Watanabe (12 photos)
Frau Holle or Holda was the well-known Winter Goddess of Northern Europe. She represents the Crone form of the Goddess Frigga, and as the Winter's Queen, she goes riding across the winter skies in Her wagon. She wears a long white, flowing robe. At times, a veil covers her face. She is snow-white.
Norse mythology Fan Art: Aegir's Daughter
Luonnotar _ Finnish. She is the Daughter of Nature, made fertile by the sea. She creates the islands and land from the waves.
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Hecate is the Third and final one of the Triple Goddess. She is the Goddess of the New Moon. She was also the Goddess of the Crossroads and the Witch Goddess. She was Thracian in origin, and she dwelt in the Underworld with Hades and Persephone. She was the daughter of the Titans Perses and Asteria (daughter of Phoebe and Coeus), both were symbols of shining light. Later she was said to be of Zeus and Hera. There were a couple other people thrown in there, too, cuz everyone had a theory but no o
Goddess Sulis
Sulis’s themes are water, healing, sun, blessings, wishes, community and offerings. Her symbols are water, wheat cakes and fire. The Celtic Goddess Sulis oversees all sacred wells and springs, which give healing and other blessings to those who pray at them. She also has associations with the sun, which explains the ever-burning fires in Her temples.
Berehynia is the Ukranian Goddess of Protection. While some argue that she is a recent invention, made up to personify the new independence of Ukrainian women, her symbols have been used for centuries in pysanky (egg-decorating) and rushnyky (embroidery of ritual cloth). Her form, a woman with her arms raised, has been modified through the centuries but has remained a symbol of protection.
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Macha is an Irish war Goddess, strongly linked to the land. Several Goddesses or heroines bear Her name, but She is generally thought of as one aspect of the triple death Goddess the Mórrígan ("Great Queen" or "Phantom Queen"), consisting of Macha "Raven," Badb "Scald Crow" or "Boiling," and Nemain "Battle Fury." Macha is associated with both horses and crows.
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Alecto ("the implacable or unceasing anger") is one of the Erinyes, or Furies, in Greek mythology. According to Hesiod, she was the daughter of Gaea fertilized by the blood spilled from Uranus when Cronus castrated him. She is the sister of Tisiphone (Vengeance) and Megaera (Jealousy).
Mictecacihuatl ('Lady of the Dead') is the Aztec Goddess of the dead. She rules over Mictlan, the underworld, with her husband, Mictlantecuhtli. Mictlan is the lowest level of the underworld (there are nine levels), and is where those who died non-violent deaths go. Mictecacihuatl escorts those who have died to their families, and watches over their bodies. and is especially honored on November 2, El Dia de los Muertos, the Day of the Dead.
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Hakaz Estsan (“Cold Woman”) is the Navajo Goddess of Winter and of cold weather in general. Her main area of influence is the far north. In Navajo belief it is recognized that without this goddess the world would become too hot, causing all living things to die and the oceans, rivers and lakes to boil away. She is depicted naked sitting in the snow. Her tears are the sleet and snow that falls from the sky.
Brighid - Celtic Goddess of hearth and home, fertility, smithcraft, and healing. Brighid is honored on Imbolc - a Gaelic festival marking the beginning of Spring.