Ryhmäytyminen, yhteistoiminnallisuustehtäviä

28 Pins
Monday Made It {Beach Ball Activity & Math About Me}
What a fun "first day of school" activity to try! Easy to set up--and I bet the students will LOVE it!
Minute to Win It Party
this site has really hilarious game ideas for adults and kids. they can be used for birthdays or just a fun game night. love it!
Koulutukselliset leikit - Partioleikit - Porin Partiolaiset
1)Opetuksellisewt leikit, sivun laidasta löytyy lisää muita leikkejä 2) Muita partioleikkejä http://fi.scoutwiki.org/Luokka:Leikit 3)http://ohjelma.partio.fi/index.php?title=1.5.5._Leikit
Kennismakingspel groep 5-6. Als het vlak bij jou komt, beantwoord je de vraag en gooi je 'm naar iemand anders !
Minefield -- Duct Tape Teambuilding Game
Minefield -- Duct Tape Teambuilding Game - YouTube This would be a great game at the beginning of the year. It would help kids work together as teams and build trust. Its also great for focus, when everyone is talking, you have to listen for your partner.
Snakes - A Trust and Team Building Activity
Snakes - A Trust and Team Building Activity that uses non-verbal communication to get a team to accomplish a goal.
The Orange Game
The Orange Game - Team Building Activity in the Classroom
Caterpillar Traverse -- Duct Tape Teambuilding Game
▶ Caterpillar Traverse -- Duct Tape Teambuilding Game - YouTube
Air Lock teambuilding game
Air Lock teambuilding game. This would be a great game to play with kids to practice leadership skills. You could have the students take turns being the one in charge and giving the group directions. Leadership is another vital social 21st century skill. I would use this in any subject classroom.
Metsä kuvat - Kiertävä luontokoulu Naakka
1)http://kiertavaluontokoulu.fi/harjoitukset/ 2) metsässä oppimista http://www.ouka.fi/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=7989646c-15ed-4486-a82f-3bad0443d13e&groupId=7901559 3) Ekaluokkalaisen koulupäivä metsässä http://www.mikkeli.fi/sites/mikkeli.fi/files/atoms/files/ekaluokkaisen_koulupaiva_metsassa_alakoulu.pdf
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Use these 5 easy team building activities for adults to increase your team's performance, motivation, and increase communication with your group.
What are your go-to team building activities? Here are some of my favorites that I know will work with teams.