Mod Squad blocks

116 Pins
Modern HST Sampler #5: Mountain - Blossom Heart Quilts
Jess is the next guest designer, sharing the fifth block for the Modern HST Sampler QAL. If you need more information, you can find out more about: The QAL and fabric requirements Required and recommended tools Tips for HST accuracy Frequently Asked Questions Hi, I’m Jess, otherwise known as Elven Garden Quilts. I’m the mum …
Scattered Geese Quilt As You Go Block Tutorial
Scattered Geese Tutorial: Using the quilt-as-you-go (QAYG) method, it's easy to make this modified log cabin block.
Wonky Star Block Tutorial | Sew Mama Sew
Wonky Star Block Tutorial | Sew Mama Sew | Outstanding sewing, quilting, and needlework tutorials since 2005.
Striped Quarter Log Cabin Block
A Quilter's Table: Striped Quarter Log Cabin Block
The Bee Hive: In The Middle - Blossom Heart Quilts
In The Middle is an arrows quilt block, and is one of those quilt block designs that really make my heart sing to figure it out – making sure that when this block is put into repeat, each colour of the arrows are the same length as each other! With In The Middle, you could …
Reviews | DS
Quilts of a Feather: Selvage Along: Feather Tutorial
ocd: obsessive crafting disorder
Ghastlies quilt by Kristie/ ocd: obsessive crafting disorder. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Ghastlies quilt top
ocd: obsessive crafting disorder: Ghastlies quilt top
Ghastlies quilt top
ocd: obsessive crafting disorder: Ghastlies quilt top