
19 Pins
How to Fix Corner Details - Timber Cladding - Vastern Timber
Fixing Corners There are number of different ways to detail the internal and external corners of a timber clad building. Here we offer illustrations of four common methods: Canadian western red cedar 45 x 45mm solid block corner Solid block corner detail Uses: Internal and external corners This is the most commonly used and simplest …
How to Fix Corner Details - Timber Cladding - Vastern Timber
Fixing Corners There are number of different ways to detail the internal and external corners of a timber clad building. Here we offer illustrations of four common methods: Canadian western red cedar 45 x 45mm solid block corner Solid block corner detail Uses: Internal and external corners This is the most commonly used and simplest …
Snap Lock Roof Coping System
Snap lock roof coping level sketch drawing. The image shows a sketch of metal coping installed level over parapet wall.
Schieferdetails für Dach und Fassade - Rathscheck Schiefer
Rathscheck Schieferdetails - Schieferfassade-Ausfuehrung Innenecke Schiefer an Holz Variante 1