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walk in love.
DIY -- Geometric Straw Mobile: great for Webelos artist or the other ranks as well
This item is unavailable | Etsy
himmeli diamonds - set of 3 - hanging mobile - modern mobile - sculpture - geometric - black - finnish design - home decor
Material & Werkzeug - Etsy.de
In Schweden und Finnland ist es Tradition, das Haus zur Weihnachtszeit mit aufwändigen Mobiles aus Stroh zu schmücken – den Himmelis. Die Königsdisziplin der skandinavischen Weihnachtsdekoration kann aber auch ganz sommerlich und leicht daherkommen.
Jouluaskartelu – tee itse ihanat koristeet ja lahjat
DIY Easy Himmeli, via Kotivinkii.
This item is unavailable - Etsy
brass himmeli mobile / modern hanging mobile / geometric sculpture. $67.00, via Etsy.
Material & Werkzeug - Etsy.de
DIY Anleitung: Himmeli Mobile selber machen // home diy: how to craft a mobile via DaWanda.com
My Scandinavian Christmas Day 4
Amazing DIY for Scandinavian ornaments made out of wooden dowels and wood beads. Via The House That Lars Built.
Pastellimaja DIY: timanttihimmeli http://pastellimaja.blogspot.fi/2013/11/diy-timanttihimmeli.html
Jouluhimmeli pilleistä - Arjen apu
Jouluhimmeli pilleistä - Neuleohjeet ja askartelu - Yhteishyvä
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himmeli, traditional Finnish Christmas decorations, were originally made to promote a good harvest: The bigger and more complex these rye straw decorations were, the better the crop would be.