
34 Pins
С любовью от меня..: Персональные записи в журнале Ярмарки Мастеров
С любовью от меня.. - Ярмарка Мастеров - ручная работа, handmade
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Авторские мишки Тедди и его друзья.Куклы.: Выкройки мишек - скачать.Лучшие выкройки в инете!!!
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Как сшить мишку Тедди - обсуждение на форуме Ека-мама
Как оформить мордочку ?
Как оформить мордочку ?
Bear Reference
This reference mask of a bear by Philippe Faraut is sculpted half in planes to further the artist's understanding of the breakdown of the underlying anatomical structure of a bear's head and fur. A useful art reference cast for painters as well as sculptors.
РИСУЕМ ЖИВОТНЫХ | Медведи – 144 фотографии | ВКонтакте
Sun beam by Natasha Murasha
Sun beam (Silk) 41 cm , sit 29 cm, All of my toys are 100% hand made - made by hand, no machine sewing! please notice: the color of bear can be slightly different depending on shot light conditions and your display settings. delicate items. Materials: Arms, legs and head rotate 360 degrees. 5 pins disks main fabric Natural Silk Germany inside: wood shavings (in the head), wool, cotton, hollofiber glass eyes toning dry art pastel. Without the smell of oil. not for playing c
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