C level

75 Pins
Piano Composition Activity: Santa Got Stuck in the Chimney | My Fun Piano Studio
Piano Composition Activity: Santa Got Stuck in the Chimney
Eaiser Piano Hymns
Easier Hymns Book is spiral bound and includes 16 songs and 40 pages of early intermediate friendly music. Each song is written to be easy to play, but sounds harder than it is to play. It was created for anyone who is just starting to be able to play easier hymns from a hymn book.
My Music Journal
Long live Rock n Roll. And this journal. It is aimed to be used all the time. Practice, gigs, performing, watching, rehearsals, quiet moments, open mics, all the time. Think of things that have inspired you, note down any words or phrases you think will work in a song. Use the chord charts to practice new shapes. Create your own songs using the composition section. Use it so it works for you.
It Is Well with My Soul - Free Beginner Piano Sheet Music
It Is Well with My Soul | Free Sheet Music for Easy Piano
Printable Blank Piano Two Octaves
Great for music teachers, this printable page of piano keys spanning two octaves can be used for writing out chords and finger placement. Free to download and print
Free Printable For Teaching 3 and 4 Chord Songs
Keyboard Chords
Updated Free Printable For 3 and 4 Chord Songs
After using the worksheet for teaching 3 and 4 chord songs last week with my students I realized that coloring the black keys was a challenge. So, here is an updated version of the worksheet with t…