
78 Pins
Best Earth Day Picture Books for Kids | Mommy Evolution
Children's Earth Day Picture Books. Every day should be Earth Day! | The Jenny Evolution
Earth Day
Earth Day 2013 is Mon., April 22. These Earth Day "Handprint Globes" glued on black construction paper, along with students' creative writing assignments would make a visually stunning Earth Day bulletin board display.
The Teacher Bag - Hop in and fill your teacher bag with ideas.
Earth Day and Recycling Resources
Teacher Tip Tuesday *LINKY*
Nail polish to seal the marker - a good trick to remember! Did you make some of these for your classroom last week? Make them last for years...
FREE The Tale of Peter Rabbit Unit Study & Lapbook Printables
WONDERFUL idea to tie in Peter Rabbit with a study of the garden! This is a FREE The Tale of Peter Rabbit Unit Study & Lapbook Printables created by Jolanthe (Homeschool Creations) and Ami (Walking By The Way and one other person...simply a fantastic resource...and free!
The Art Teacher's Closet
These bunnies hiding in the grass by the first graders are adorable! We painted the bunnies and colored the details with construction paper crayons. The kids loved making that one floppy ear! Great geometric and organic shape lesson!
Earth Day, Glorious Earth Day!
5 Earth day freebies from your favorite bloggers.