
35 Pins
The need to be alone for a bit .. and just experience the "silence" ... sometimes we all need that moment ... so we may hear our own hearts whispering to us .. I cherish those moments.'<3
Pihan pintamateriaalit - 10 ideaa
Pihan pintamateriaalit vaikuttavat suuresti pihan tyyliin ja tunnelmaan. Katso Viherpihan inspiroivat ideat!
For the decoration lovers, here is an idea for decorating the home in a unique way with the repurposed wood pallet planter in which the flower of different colors can be placed for the appealing look. There are 3 layers in the planter and as many planters can be created as required for the decoration.
Proforma - för formens skull
Led bort regnvattnet på ett snyggt sätt. Should make these for the greenhouse and Rabbit Run Cottage