Online Safety Posters

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Identity Theft Poster
Daydream Education's Identity Theft poster has been created to educate pupils and teach them how to protect against the increasingly common digital risk of identity theft. The colourful wall chart covers how to keep personal information private, being aware of phishing scams, recognising trustworthy sites and how to protect passwords. This will give pupils a concise overview of the most effective ways to protect themselves and their identities against cybercriminals.
Keep It Private Poster
Daydream Education's Keep It Private poster is a simple and striking wall chart that encourages primary age pupils to be vigilant by protecting their personal information online. The poster uses simple language to help pupils learn how to practise password safety, keep their personal details private and protect against identity theft. These are all important aspects of digital know-how that students must learn to keep safe online, both now and in the future.
Sexting Poster
Daydream Education's Sexting poster has been designed to help tackle the growing problem of sexting in schools. The poster is direct and straightforward, covering the very real risks of sexting and live streaming for children, teenagers and young people. The Sexting wall chart also includes vital information about what action pupils need to take to report offensive or sexually explicit content they've seen online.
Be Share Aware Poster
Daydream Education's Be Share Aware poster is the ideal display tool for teaching primary-age pupils about the impact of what they share online. The engaging wall chart includes age-appropriate language that simply explains the consequences of sharing information online, what to remember before posting any content and how to report anything that's inappropriate. This will help to develop pupils' netiquette, for both now and the future.
Digital Stranger Danger Poster
Daydream Education's Digital Stranger Danger poster has been designed to educate and warn primary-age pupils against the risks of talking to strangers online. The poster uses simple, age-appropriate language to clarify that any person a child has talked to only online is a stranger, and that some strangers may try to take advantage of them. The poster also sensitively covers the increasingly dangerous issue of live streaming, and what to do in the event of inappropriate contact from a stranger.
Online Bullying Poster
Daydream Education's Online Bullying poster has been designed to combat the ever-increasing problem of cyberbullying in primary and secondary schools. The bright and colourful wall chart includes examples of online bullying, so pupils can recognise what constitutes unacceptable behaviour. The poster also includes five steps that pupils can take if they find themselves being bullied online, two of which include reporting the incidents and talking to someone about what has happened.
Digital Footprint Poster
Daydream Education's Digital Footprint poster will help your students to understand that everything they do, say and post on the Internet has impacts and consequences for their online reputation. The engaging wall chart is concise and informative, covering digital footprints, social media do's and don'ts and how to report something personally offensive that has been posted online.
Internet Safety Poster – Secondary
Daydream Education's Internet Safety poster is a bright, clear and colourful display of the five SMART rules that help to protect teenagers and young people online. The poster covers how to stay safe through ensuring personal information is kept private, never meeting online friends in person and never accepting friend/message requests from strangers.
Online Safety Poster - Primary
Daydream Education's Online Safety poster is an engaging and educational wall chart that clearly displays the five SMART rules that help to ensure the safety of children online. The poster uses age-appropriate language to help students understand how to stay safe online by keeping their information private, never meeting online-only friends in person and never accepting requests from people they don’t know.