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Random Pictures Of The Day - 74 Pics
Father orders headstone depicting child finally free from his wheelchair.
USB Typewriter | electric type writer, typewriters
Yes! WANT! This retrostyle USB typewriter is the PERFECT gift. #futuregift #gadgets
LEAST WE FORGET!! A boy went to war in 1914 & left his bike chain to a tree. He never came home and the family left the bike there as a memorial of the fallen soldier. Vashon Island, Pudget Sound Washington
My brother actually had something like this for home and every month he received a newly special customized helmet with his name
The Internet's Most Asked Questions
People everywhere should use this word…I may have pinned this before, but I think it's a great message!
wizard-of-oz on Tumblr
Wicked witch from The Wizard of Oz. I LOVE THIS PHOTO!! Wish I could hear a recording of "Oh, what a world, what a world" with it.