Fine plants

51 Pins
Medicago orbicularis - the Round-fruited medick
Medicago orbicularis is found throughout the Mediterranean basin and along the European Black Sea coast. Common names include blackdisk medick button clover button medick and round-fruited medick. #seeds #seeds
12 Strange, But Also Beautiful, Houseplants You Never Knew Existed
10 Strange, But Also Beautiful, Houseplants You Never Knew Existed
Begonia Nautilus™ Lilac PPAF (Begonia rhizomatous hybrid)
Begonia Nautilus™ Lilac p.p.a.f. (Begonia rhizomatous hybrid)
Closing the Community Forums
What's the Most Mind-Blowing Plant in the World? - Show & Tell - Atlas Obscura Community - Travel Forum
Alpine Garden Society
Viola Columnaris Vulcanica, alpine plant, Patagonia, Argentina by Margit Sepsi
Think Pink with Instagram's Hottest Houseplants
I recently learned that the media company where my husband works has, I'm not joking,…
Aglaonema pictum "Tricolor" Form 1 -- Rare terrarium aroids
Aglaonema pictum "Tricolor" Form 1 -- Rare terrarium aroids - SIAMGREENCULTURE Home of rare ferns, tropical mosses and unusual terrarium plants