
358 Pins
DIY Plant Stand Idea Indoor
Keep Those Bugs Away From Your Food This Summer!
Converting a lamp shade into a bug catcher this is a no cost project that's perfect for outdoor entertaining! Such a great tip and a super simple life hack! A brilliant yet frugal upcycling idea that makes entertaining a breeze and keeps fruits, cakes, pies - whatever! - free of flies, bees, ants and other insects. #DIY #Netting #Summer #upcycling #repurposed #frugal #entertaining #lifehack #ideas #tipsandtricks
Ein Blickfang für jeden Blumentopf bzw Garten. Jeder Pilz ein Unikat.Die Größe variiert, da Stiel oder Hut immer anders … | Topfblumen, Gartendekoration, Dekoration