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Tutorial & creative recycling: rose made of jeans!
Tutorial & creative recycling: rose made of jeans! ~ PerlillaPets
Denim Flower from Cztery Kąty - use 3-4 cm strip of denim; sew a running stich along one long edge; gently and evenly gather the fabric, forming the flower; sew through the flower to secure fabric in place; apply to your pillows, favourite jeans, etc.
Jeans & Denim: Recycled, Upcycled and Repurposed
Dishfunctional Designs: Jeans & Denim: Recycled, Upcycled and Repurposed
Five of the Best Tablet IPAD Case Tutorials
vicky myers creations » Blog Archive Five of the Best Tablet IPAD Case Tutorials - vicky myers creations
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Denim Coasters, nice quilting!!!
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This is awesome idea. Brilliant idea actually. LOVE IT - and are going to make my own
Denim key chains: http://kelepsodesignstudio.blogspot.com/2010/10/demin-crafts-party-favors-gift-box.html
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Blue Jean Hot Pad and Coaster Set Repurposed by SunflowersByDesign
I am back!!
love the denim cupcakes and hearts. could also be used as bunting
Sometimes your torn jeans need to be dressed up just a little. Here's how you do it. Wear gorgeous stockings underneath.
SUPER CUTE IDEA Shirts are never big enough for my legs or ass. This could fix that problem... :)
Monster Patches
Monster knees! Patches for pants. Can't wait until my pants have monster mouths!
Be Prepared in Survival Life | How to Survive and Prepare for an Emergency | Survival Life Blog
How to Repair a Broken Zipper