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Cathay Bedroom vizcaya designed by Paul Chalfin for industrialist James Deering completed in 1917
LOUIS XVI BED WITH BALDAQUIN dit Lit à la Polonaise, attributed to Jean-Baptiste-Claude Séné. From the collection of Karl Lagerfeld. Source:
Flickr | The best place to be a photographer online.
Jean-Baptiste-Claude SÉNÉ ~ Pair of bergères (armchairs) ~1789, Paris Château de Montreuil (Versailles).
Petit canapé à chapeau en bois rechampi gris et redoré. Époque Louis XV - Alain.R.Truong
(small sofa, gilded wood, gray silk damask) Petit canapé à chapeau en bois rechampi gris et redoré. Époque Louis XV. Photo Tajan
Réunion des Musées Nationaux-Grand Palais
Armchair by J. B. Tilliard et J. B. Boulard, from the furniture of the office of Louis XVI at Compiègne,
The Conservation of Marie Antoinette's Chair • V&A Blog
Painted and gilded walnut chair, part of a suite of furniture made for Marie-Antoinette in 1788 by Jean-Baptiste-Claude Sene (1748-1803) and Louis-Francois Chatard (1749-1819), recently restored by the V&A Museum to it's original appearance based on research carried out by the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Musée à Aix-en-Provence
Caumont Centre d'Art - Site officiel - une propriété Culturespaces