Beneficial Insects

What do the good bugs look like? These insects help maintain the health of your garden by taking to task the pests that eat your plants. Many of them also support pollination duties as well. Learn how to attract them to the garden and the conditions they need to thrive.
16 Pins
Frugal Gardening Tip #5: Attract Pollinators - PreparednessMama
Frugal Gardening Tip #5: Attract Pollinators | PreparednessMama
Protect Your Local Pollinators With A DIY Bee Watering Station
Protect Your Local Pollinators With A DIY Bee Watering Station - Off Grid World
This may contain: blue flowers with green leaves and the words, polliner week is coming here
Pollinator Week is Coming!
Lacewings-If you're going to buy predators, lacewings are a good bet because they eat a wide range of harmful insects
Parasitic wasps can be very small. These ones look like tiny black flies. Here, they are working a mass of gypsy moth eggs.
Attracting Beneficial Insects - Fine Gardening
Attracting Beneficial Insects
10 Beneficial Insects That Will Actually Help Your Plants
Let nature help you and bring beneficial insects into your garden by planting the right flowering plants.