Finnish vocabulary

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Roihusten arjessa -koulutukset - Kipinäkeskus
Roihusten arjessa -koulutukset – Kipinäkeskus
Case by Case August 2018
It's not always simple to decide which case to choose for your object in a Finnish sentence. My online course Case by Case will help you understand when you should use the partitive as the object in the sentence. The course only runs a few times a year - don't miss the enrolment!
For beginners: an introduction to the Finnish personal pronouns
The Finnish personal pronouns in standard Finnish, with the verb olla, 'to be': minä olen, sinä olet, hän on, me olemme, te olette, he ovat.
Unlock the Finnish Language Basics without Feeling Overwhelmed
Curious to learn a bit of Finnish? Here are the most common phrases English-Finnish. Click to read the full article with free online tools to help you on your language journey! #finnish #finnishlanguage
Unlock the Finnish Language Basics without Feeling Overwhelmed
10 Basic Phrases in Finnish! Click over to the Quick Guide to learn key things about the Finnish language, fast and free! #finnishlanguage #finnishwords #finlandtravel