
342 Pins
Snabb & lyxig mandeltårta -
Snabb & lyxig mandeltårta -
Kaisun porkkanakakkukeksit – tuorejuustotäytteiset mausteiset keksit ovat lukijamme hauska resepti
Vegaaninen Biscoff-juustokakku
Samettisen pehmeä moussekakku hurmaa täyteläisellä kanelin ja karamellin maulla, jotka yhdistyvät rapeaan Biscoff-keksipohjaan - täydellinen herkku jouluiseen kahvipöytään. Katso herkullinen resepti Yhteishyvä.fi-sivustolta!
Helppo ja mehevä perinteisen makuinen kahvikakku - Suklaapossu
London Fog Cake
This cake is a basic vanilla cake but with all the additions of Earl Grey flavour that you can think of. The milk that is used in the batter is steeped in earl grey, there are tea leaves directly in the batter, then I drizzle an Earl Grey syrup over the cakes, and lastly, the icing has a bit more of that earl grey milk just to finish it off. So if you're a tea lover, this one is for you!
Miso-banaanileipä | Juhli ja nauti, Makea leivonta | Soppa365
Bee Sting Cake (Bienenstich) Recipe - A Delicious Family Tradition
This is the BEST German dessert recipe from Chef Dennis! The bienenstich or "bee sting cake" is a delicious Bavarian cake with a sweet honey topping. Even a picky eater would love this delicious dessert! Try making your own bienenstich this spring or summer!