clear spring

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coco.item*《パーソナルカラー・北陸》さんはInstagramを利用しています:「*イエローベース *ブルーベース *サマー/スプリング *ウインター/オータム *coordinate イエベ同士・ブルベ同士‥何が違う? …」
Are You a Spring-Winter (Clear Spring)? - 30 something Urban Girl
Spring-Winter (Clear Spring) colouring by thirtysomethingurbangirl on Polyvore #springwinter #clearspring #seasonalcolouranalysis
Are You a Spring-Winter (Clear Spring)? - 30 something Urban Girl
Clear Spring seasonal color celebrity examples - Emilie De Ravin, Brittany Snow, Emma Stone, Elizabeth Banks
Smart Colour Analysis System, author Adriana Cizikova, image and colour consultant, personal stylist, Slovakia, Easy understanding, clear communication about colours. No bullshit, no mystification! Based on Munsell and CIE colour concept. Profesional Pantone colours for fashion and interier with about 2.100 colours. (The names "spring, summer, autumn and winter" are very popular and famous, that´ s why I used them for my colour groups. "Light Spring = LIGHT WARM clear" ... etc.
Using both your skin tone & eye colour to choose a scarf (Make it Look Easy | Make it Look Easy)
You might remember back when the weather cooled down and we talked about using your eye colour to...