Moodboard, 3

11 Pins
Masking in Illustrator – The Ultimate Guide
Free tutorial on Masking, Masking is one of the more complex techniques to learn in the Adobe Illustrator but it is essential to creating professional work #masking #graphic design
Bill Murray Poster - Created by William Henry Prints are available in his shop. You can also follow him on Twitter and on Facebook.
Digital Marketing Dissertation Topics
This is another great use of expressive typography. Using the “o” instead of any other letter was the best choice with this word. The “o” in this case gives us the “aw” sound when saying the word “drop” rather than a long o sound like the word “stove”. Great job on this one.
40 Floral Typography Designs that Combine Flowers & Text
Etsy Holiday Campaign 2013 by Melissa Deckert and Nicole Lecht
The Internet's Most Asked Questions
Though some of these would be inappropriate to share, some of these fonts would be interesting to show my yearbook class. Creative thinking--love it
The Living Co. | Branding / Identity / Design
I actually really like this ... the two circles and the fact they are imperfect but continuous I dig it ... as a ministry logo .. not sure?
Schlossgut Lüll – Corporate Design
Für das Wein- & Schlossgut Lüll wurde ein Logo gestaltet, das nicht nur eine Weinflasche, sondern auch den Schriftzug Lüll darstellt. Zusätzlich entstand das Wein-Etikett das sich aus dem Logo bildet. Somit wird das Logo zur Flasche und auch die Flasche zum Logo. Das weitere Erscheinungsbild basiert auf den markanten fünf Streifen des Lüll-Schriftzugs und [...]