
21 Pins
Make This Inexpensive And Modern Outdoor DIY Succulent Planter Using Cinder Blocks
Create your own inexpensive and fully customizable DIY outdoor succulent planter using cinder blocks, landscaping fabric, cactus soil, and succulents
Building a Custom Industrial Wooden Desk
Check out this awesome DIY tutorial. Takes minimal tools, basic lumber and pipe. How to make an industrial desk from pipe!
21 Space Saving Tiny Bathroom Hacks to Buy or DIY
It’s safe to say that we’ll have to live at least once in a small apartment with a tiny excuse for a bathroom. And if you’re a city dweller, chances are you’re in that crammed and cluttered boat right now. Lucky for you, we’ve been there, we feel your claustrophobic pain and we want to help. There are a number of ways to organize all those bottles and towels and tools (oh my!), and to create the illusion of more space in your WC. We’ve rounded up 20 buy-or-DIY space-savers to get you started....
All women's talk
40 #Super Tips and Tricks for an Amazingly Organized and Space Saving Dorm Room ...
40 DIY Home Decor Projects for Summer
DIY Home Decor Projects for Summer - DIY Painted Watercolor Pillow - Creative Summery Ideas for Table, Kitchen, Wall Art and Indoor Decor for Summer
Plaster Of Paris Flowers
Have you made Plaster Of Paris flowers yet? Well, if not, be prepared (when you do make them) to want to put them on everything! When y...
Almost Demolished, Repurposed Barn Door Decor - Country Chic Paint
Almost Demolished, Repurposed Barn Door Decor #DIY #furniturepaint #paintedfurniture #crackle #barn #door #chalkpaint #shelf #homedecor #countrychicpaint -
Ultra-Cozy Giant Knit Blankets Are Made Without Any Knitting Needles Necessary
Super-chunky knit blankets would require gigantic knitting needles, but this designer has found a way to forego the needles entirely, without having any allergic reactions.
Wunderschöne #Lampe, ganz einfach #DIY mit einigen Plastik-Löffeln und einer leeren Flasche!