The Bees Knees

Bee keeping
470 Pins
19 Sections
Attracting Honey Bees Swarms - Free Bees
Attracting honey bee swarms to swarm traps or bait hives can be a profitable undertaking. Bee swarms are a natural occurrence and a way to add more beehives to your apiary. #beekeeping #beehive #swarms #beekeeper
Queen Bee Facts: Marvels of Colony Life - Carolina Honeybees
Queen bees facts that may amaze you. Learn more about the most important bee in the colony. #bees #beekeeping #queenbee #beekeeperequipment
How to Make a Safe Watering Hole for Bees
How to Make a Safe Watering Hole for Bees
Tutorial to make decorated jar lid
611 - very cool site! Embellished canning jar lid using UTEE in melting pot. It looks embossed, but it's charms!
Celtic Knotwork Bee - black lines Women's Value T-Shirt Celtic Knotwork Bee - black lines T-Shirt | CafePress
Celtic Knotwork Bee - black lines T-Shirt on