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2M views · 19K reactions | Tu ebanista de confianza te agradecerá que le lleves este diseño . #importanciahabitacion_ingjotero #lavamanostocador_ingjotero #mesatipocuadro_ingjotero | Ing JOtero
2M views · 19K reactions | Tu ebanista de confianza te agradecerá que le lleves este diseño . #importanciahabitacion_ingjotero #lavamanostocador_ingjotero #mesatipocuadro_ingjotero | Ing JOtero
580K views · 8.1K reactions | Tu baño aún puede verse así este 2024 | Tu baño aún puede verse así este 2024 . #mesadeestudio_ingjotero #escritoriooculto_ingjotero #disenodebano_ingjotero | By Ing JOtero | Facebook
571K views · 7.8K reactions | Tu baño aún puede verse así este 2024 | Tu baño aún puede verse así este 2024 . #mesadeestudio_ingjotero #escritoriooculto_ingjotero #disenodebano_ingjotero | By Ing JOtero | Facebook
2M views · 15K reactions | Organizador para nevera . #lavamanostocador_ingjotero #mesatipocuadro_ingjotero #organizadornevera_ingjotero | Ing JOtero
2M views · 15K reactions | Organizador para nevera . #lavamanostocador_ingjotero #mesatipocuadro_ingjotero #organizadornevera_ingjotero | Ing JOtero
2M views · 20K reactions | Lavamanos con estilo de tocador . #escritoriooculto_ingjotero #importanciahabitacion_ingjotero #lavamanostocador_ingjotero | Ing JOtero
2M views · 20K reactions | Lavamanos con estilo de tocador . #escritoriooculto_ingjotero #importanciahabitacion_ingjotero #lavamanostocador_ingjotero | Ing JOtero
81K views · 1.2K reactions | Amplia tu armario . #AmpliaArmario_IngJOtero | Ing JOtero
81K views · 1.2K reactions | Amplia tu armario . #AmpliaArmario_IngJOtero | Ing JOtero
149K views · 17K reactions | 💎New Bedroom Interior Design💎 #hainhadep #interior #homedecor #design #interiordesign #fyp #furniture #trending #homedesign #homedecoration #homesweethome #home #homedesign #homemade #homestyle #homestyling #homeinterior #bed #bedroom #bedroomdecor #bedtime #bedding #bedroomdecoration | Phạm Hải - Nhà đẹp
149K views · 17K reactions | 💎New Bedroom Interior Design💎 #hainhadep #interior #homedecor #design #interiordesign #fyp #furniture #trending #homedesign #homedecoration #homesweethome #home #homedesign #homemade #homestyle #homestyling #homeinterior #bed #bedroom #bedroomdecor #bedtime #bedding #bedroomdecoration | Phạm Hải - Nhà đẹp
235K views · 1.8K reactions | Ejemplo de un baño #acus | ACUS - Ingeniería & Construcción
235K views · 1.8K reactions | Ejemplo de un baño #acus | ACUS - Ingeniería & Construcción
4.9K views · 72 reactions | Casa pequeña moderna de 120 m2 #arquitecturamexicana #construccion #home #casas #arquitectura | Planos para Casas
4.9K views · 72 reactions | Casa pequeña moderna de 120 m2 #arquitecturamexicana #construccion #home #casas #arquitectura | Planos para Casas
63K views · 16K reactions | 🚿 ¡Crea el Baño de tus Sueños con Estos Tips! ✨ 🌞 Añade Ventanas: Deja entrar luz natural y aire fresco. 🗄️ Optimiza el Almacenamiento: Mantén todo organizado y a la mano. 🚿 Ducha con Mampara de Cristal: Agrega un toque moderno y elegante. 🌳 Materiales Duraderos: Elige madera tratada y de calidad. 🎨 Tonos Neutros: Amplía y ilumina tu espacio. 🪞 Espejos Grandes: Refleja luz y da sensación de amplitud. 💡 Ilumina Inteligentemente: Combina luz general, puntual y de acento. . ¡Transforma tu baño en un oasis de confort! 🌟 . . . #archdaily #design #render #viral #cdmx #fyp #bathroom #explore #arquitecturaydiseño @cg.visualization @zenqarchitecture @5style @design.only @designers_need @renderlovers | RAdo Arquitectos 𝒷𝓎 𝓓𝓸𝓻𝓪 𝓖𝓮𝓻𝓰𝓮𝓵𝔂
63K views · 16K reactions | 🚿 ¡Crea el Baño de tus Sueños con Estos Tips! ✨ 🌞 Añade Ventanas: Deja entrar luz natural y aire fresco. 🗄️ Optimiza el Almacenamiento: Mantén todo organizado y a la mano. 🚿 Ducha con Mampara de Cristal: Agrega un toque moderno y elegante. 🌳 Materiales Duraderos: Elige madera tratada y de calidad. 🎨 Tonos Neutros: Amplía y ilumina tu espacio. 🪞 Espejos Grandes: Refleja luz y da sensación de amplitud. 💡 Ilumina Inteligentemente: Combina luz general, puntual y de acento. . ¡Transforma tu baño en un oasis de confort! 🌟 . . . #archdaily #design #render #viral #cdmx #fyp #bathroom #explore #arquitecturaydiseño @cg.visualization @zenqarchitecture @5style @design.only @designers_need @renderlovers | RAdo Arquitectos 𝒷𝓎 𝓓𝓸𝓻𝓪 𝓖𝓮𝓻𝓰𝓮
30K views · 694 reactions | Baño moderno para el 2025 | Baño moderno para el 2025 . #BanoModerno_IngJOtero | By Ing JOtero | Wife likes to take care of her beauty even in the bathroom in which you have a small sink that does not meet the duties of the dressing room in this simply there is no space for all your beauty elements also there is no space or element to be able to change clothes, many times touches leave the clothes on the floor. Because he works early, he has to take a bath in the morning and the water is too cold, because there is no heating system. To add all the features she needs, you should try this settings. First instance a dividing wall is built in the bathroom. Determined and demanded that an arch-shaped door be built for him to enter this space. The wall is decorated with rectangular ceramic tiles. An aluminum alloy frame and a glass door add privacy to the shower space. And it will allow the water splashes to not come out. With this we achieved an aesthetic and pleasant division. With red brick we will create a jacuzzi-type bathtub, which will be covered with marble-type tiles. The bottom of the bathtub will be tiled with anti-slip slots. To give it elegance, a waterfall type mouth faucet will be installed which will allow a quick filling of this area for when needed, on this same wall three niches are created, which will be divided with glass blocks to give it a high-end appearance, in these are will be able to store essential bathroom elements especially for the bathtub we have an area that serves us to relax after work every day now we will take care of the shower or watering on the floor of this area will be installed a special ceramic that allows you not to slips and at the same time water drains easily which will allow this area to be safe for all family members. It will have two side grids for highly optimized drainage. Avoid using the irrigator as a stand for soaps and shampoos, because these tend to leave residues that give you the impression of dirt. To avoid this, a watering tank that carries the accessories inside is installed, which is much more elegant. Plus, this one will have a special temperature control, for those moments of extreme cold. Achieving a quite comfortable, relaxing bathing experience according to each person. To replace the sink, a galvanized steel structure is built to the resistant, which will be fixed to the wall, with anchor screws, to give it more strength. Floating cup water tank being installed, which includes stand for this one. Subsequently, this entire area is covered with highly resistant tile. Integrating this way, the sink and the toilet. Shelf creates at the bottom for storage space. In this one there will be quite convenient drawers to store whatever you need. This structure is highly resilient, which guarantees a long-lasting investment. An al ras is installed so that it doesn't have a protagonist in this structure. The sink will be accompanied by a smart touch screen mirror. For greater convenience and easy cleaning, wall-mounted faucets will be used. We now install the wall cup on their respective brackets. This one is accompanied by stainless steel buttons and a flexible watering pipe for when needed. These floating elements make for a much more optimized cleaning. On the wall next to the cup, two niches are created to increase storage. In the niche at the bottom will go the trash bin and a toilet at the top will go a power outlet to charge cell phones and we can also put toilet paper, in this corner will go a grid to drain the water when grooming is done to the bathroom, the top of the cup tank can be used to put decorative and aromatic elements the sink area which was previously used to store toilet and beauty elements will now be cleared for this to replace the concrete wall of the entrance to place a very well equipped bookshelf in which all these elements of grooming and beauty will go and to give it privacy a semi-transparent sliding door is installed. At the other end, a wardrobe is created to organize the clothes you are going to take off, the ones you are going to put on, as well as towels and toilets. Semi-dark doors are installed to this wardrobe to give it a touch of elegance. A towel is installed to place the towel you are using at the moment and you can also use it to put dirty clothes.
30K views · 694 reactions | Baño moderno para el 2025 | Baño moderno para el 2025 . #BanoModerno_IngJOtero | By Ing JOtero | Wife likes to take care of her beauty even in the bathroom in which you have a small sink that does not meet the duties of the dressing room in this simply there is no space for all your beauty elements also there is no space or element to be able to change clothes, many times touches leave the clothes on the floor. Because he works early, he has to take a bath in the morning and the water is too cold, because there is no heating system. To add all the features she needs, you should try this settings. First instance a dividing wall is built in the bathroom. Determined and demanded that an arch-shaped door be built for him to enter this space. The wall is decorated wi
290K views · 4.8K reactions | Medidas ideales para este tipo de diseño . #banooscurohumedo_ingjotero #espaciodebajocama_ingjotero #medidasbano_ingjotero | Ing JOtero
259K views · 4.2K reactions | Medidas ideales para este tipo de diseño . #banooscurohumedo_ingjotero #espaciodebajocama_ingjotero #medidasbano_ingjotero | Ing JOtero
9.6M views · 201K reactions | ¡El Secreto para un Baño Perfecto que Todos Querrán Imitar! #BathroomDesign #HomeRenovation #SmartBathroom #RénovationMaison #SalleDeBainParfaite #IdéesDéco #DiseñoDeBaños #RenovaciónDeHogar #BañoModerno #interior #interiordesign #homedecor #chambre #intérieur #aménagementintérieur #décorationintérieure #foryoupagereels #ideas #interior #diseñointerior #decoraciónhogar | Home-design
9.4M views · 198K reactions | ¡El Secreto para un Baño Perfecto que Todos Querrán Imitar! #BathroomDesign #HomeRenovation #SmartBathroom #RénovationMaison #SalleDeBainParfaite #IdéesDéco #DiseñoDeBaños #RenovaciónDeHogar #BañoModerno #interior #interiordesign #homedecor #chambre #intérieur #aménagementintérieur #décorationintérieure #foryoupagereels #ideas #interior #diseñointerior #decoraciónhogar | Home-design
12K views · 10K reactions | تجديد حمامات بالكامل تكسير - تمديد - عزل - تركيب سيراميك - تركيب ديكور - تركيب اطقم حمامات - خلاطات - مغاسل - افرنجي تفصال وتركيب جميع أعمال الزجاج 🇰🇼 شاور بوكس - قاطع زجاج - مرايا - درابزين - أبواب - أرفف 🇰🇼 اتصل بنا على : 94918232 - 60652556 #ادوات_صحية #قرطبه #فهدالاحمد #العديليه #المنصوريه #القادسيه #الدسمة #السرة #جنوب_السره #حطين #الشهداء #الزهراء #سلوى #جابرالأحمد #صباح_الأحمد #العدان #الجهراء #الفروانيه #العاصمه #مبارك_الكبير #حولي #الاحمدي #صباح_السالم #النزهة #بيان #مشرف #القصور #القرين #تجديدحمامات 🇰🇼 | تجديد حمامات - تكسير حمامات الكويت 🇰🇼
11K views · 6.7K reactions | تجديد حمامات بالكامل تكسير - تمديد - عزل - تركيب سيراميك - تركيب ديكور - تركيب اطقم حمامات - خلاطات - مغاسل - افرنجي تفصال وتركيب جميع أعمال الزجاج 🇰🇼 شاور بوكس - قاطع زجاج - مرايا - درابزين - أبواب - أرفف 🇰🇼 اتصل بنا على : 94918232 - 60652556 #ادوات_صحية #قرطبه #فهدالاحمد #العديليه #المنصوريه #القادسيه #الدسمة #السرة #جنوب_السره #حطين #الشهداء #الزهراء #سلوى #جابرالأحمد #صباح_الأحمد #العدان #الجهراء #الفروانيه #العاصمه #مبارك_الكبير #حولي #الاحمدي #صباح_السالم #النزهة #بيان #مشرف #القصور #القرين #تجديدحمامات 🇰🇼 | تجديد حمامات - تكسير حمامات الكويت 🇰🇼
14K views · 7.7K reactions | 👷 Kendine hayran bırakan bir çalışmamız 💐👷 #evakentinşaat #mobilya #lüksbanyolar #dekorasyon #tadilatdekorasyon #istanbul #konut #daire #alınsatım #yatırım #evimitadilatyaptırmakistiyorum #marmaraprkavm #toriumavm #eviyeseti #avrupayakası #mutfakdekorasyonu #eviye #eviyeseti #mutfakdekorasyonu #mutfak #eviye #eviyebataryası #eviyeseti #evdekorasyonu #banyodekorasyonu #mutfakdekorasyonu #salonpekanbaru #türkiye #almanya #america #i̇stanbul #beylikduzu #esenyurtmeydan #içmimar #silver | adnan cintan
14K views · 7.7K reactions | 👷 Kendine hayran bırakan bir çalışmamız 💐👷 #evakentinşaat #mobilya #lüksbanyolar #dekorasyon #tadilatdekorasyon #istanbul #konut #daire #alınsatım #yatırım #evimitadilatyaptırmakistiyorum #marmaraprkavm #toriumavm #eviyeseti #avrupayakası #mutfakdekorasyonu #eviye #eviyeseti #mutfakdekorasyonu #mutfak #eviye #eviyebataryası #eviyeseti #evdekorasyonu #banyodekorasyonu #mutfakdekorasyonu #salonpekanbaru #türkiye #almanya #america #i̇stanbul #beylikduzu #esenyurtmeydan #içmimar #silver | adnan cintan
2.5M views · 40K reactions | Si el baño es oscuro y húmedo este diseño es para ti . #nichosbano_ingjotero #habitacion3m2_ingjotero #banooscurohumedo_ingjotero | Ing JOtero
2.5M views · 40K reactions | Si el baño es oscuro y húmedo este diseño es para ti . #nichosbano_ingjotero #habitacion3m2_ingjotero #banooscurohumedo_ingjotero | Ing JOtero