
18 Pins
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Visual schedule special needs routine schedule autism aspergers ABA PEC symbols boardmaker 36 symbols
Using Lego and other visual supports to help Autistic children understand emotions
Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
Freebie Friday: Literacy for Nonreaders - The Autism Helper
Freebie Friday: Literacy for Nonreaders | The Autism Helper. Just when I think I am close to having all my visual cues printed and laminated... Nothing like making a label for EVERYTHING!
pragmatic language
Need to teach: Pragmatic Language Board These are important phrases for your child to learn, and can minimize his frustration as he tries to communicate his needs. If he is non-verbal, teach him how to point to the card or image on a board, especially the "I need a break" card! Pinned by
40 Core Vocabulary words from DLM. If your classroom has nothing else, this core words communication board is a good place to start
3 IEP Goals for Using Augmentative Communication with Interactive Books You Will Love
Student using augmentative communication (a speech generating device) to identify vocabulary in an interactive book about Thanksgiving. From 5 Ways to Use Interactive Books in the Classroom by Autism Classroom Resources
Free Toy Pecs, Autism Pec Symbols, Picture Exchange Communication System First, Then Board
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First Then Visual Schedule Daily Routine Behavior by LearningSPED
Interactive Receptive Language Tasks - The Autism Helper
Interactive Receptive Language Tasks for all levels of learners! found at
Parenting & Lifestyle
In our world, P is for PECS. PECS stands for Picture Exchange Communication System and is a huge part of our lives. Learn about it today on Autism A to Z.