2013 Event

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隨著象徵會長權力的會長鎚移交儀式完成,代表2014董事局已接棒為晉峰青年商會努力。 互勉二十載,攜手創未來!!
隨著象徵會長權力的會長鎚移交儀式完成,代表2014董事局已接棒為晉峰青年商會努力。 互勉二十載,攜手創未來!!
a group of people sitting around a table with food on it in an office setting
2013最後一次尖沙咀飯局! 感謝會員拓展組安排!
a group of people standing around each other
資深青商會就等於是青商的寶藏。 本會資深青商會員一直支持本會發展不遺餘力,讓我們得以從前輩身上學習到過往的歷史,在推行社會工作計劃時,更得心應手。
a group of people standing next to each other in front of a green and white background
我們愛服務社會,亦愛玩,愛唱歌! 感謝一眾會員到場支持各參賽者參加太平山青年商會舉辦皇者之皇青年歌手大賽! 恭喜以下會員獲獎: 會員FRANKY:青商組冠軍 會員RITA:青商組亞軍 會員FRANKY、RITA、EZGINE及STANLEY:最佳台風及造型獎
a group of people standing next to each other in front of a screen with pictures on it
更多董事局訓練營花絮與大家分享! 期待在候任會長KUI帶領下,令晉峰更上一層樓。
a collage of photos with people standing and sitting
一年一度的董事局訓練營又來了! 今年參加人數特多,表示下年有更多新力軍參與晉峰董事局團隊,為「服務社會,訓練自己」而努力! 在此感謝一眾TRAINER! Head Trainer - Past President Danny Tse Guest Trainer - National Vice President Ronald Kan Trainer - Past President Johnny Keung Trainer - Past President Crystal Wu Trainer - Immediate Past President Janice Lai
a group of people standing around each other in front of bookshelves with pictures on them
「喜戲!嬉戲!設計遊戲x 玩樂工作坊 ver 2.0」暨十一月份月會已於11月18日晚,假銅鑼灣京都商業中心19B, Think Cafe 完滿舉行。 整個活動有超過40人出席,當中有13位新朋友!不論是前會長、資深會員、會員及新朋友都打成一片,盡興而歸。 經過上次,大家對於工作坊都非常滿意及投入,有見及此,今次再度加推第二擊,我們再次以設計遊戲為主題,讓大家學懂心法及技巧,將來更懂得安排集體遊戲。 在此感謝 -本會會友、新到來的朋友及分會好友 -Trainer Timothy 為我們精心設計遊戲工作坊 -秘書及節目Kina、財政兼當晚司儀 Victor 以及一眾Helper (MC Olivia, Maggie, Gigi, Stephen及攝影 Louis) -協助設計Banner的會友Leo Tam -助理副會長Marie的指導 -會長Yoee的大力支持及鼓勵 期待在不久的將來再與大家見面!
a group of people standing in front of a red wall with pictures on the side
<<晉峰青年商會>>本年度的旗艦計劃—第九屆【中華兒女】之「相*說情~孝行為先」全港小學生攝影比賽已於七月份順利舉行頒獎典禮,感謝各位一直以來對本工作計劃的大力支持。 為了進一步在社區推廣「孝」,是次比賽得獎作品將於港鐵中環站的[港鐵社區畫廊]展出,詳情如下: 時間:2013年11月1日至11月30日 地點:港鐵中環站J出口 誠意邀請各位在有關時段到港鐵中環站欣賞得獎作品! 感謝大家的關注和支持!
a collage of photos showing people hanging upside down in the air over water and land
JCI World Congress 6th Day@Rio! Other than congress, you can find many exciting activities in Rio! Hang Gliding is an interesting and amazing one!!
a collage of photos showing the winners at an ici world congress awards ceremony
JCI World Congress 5th Day@Rio! Our time to shine! It is our great honor to receive award in JCI World Congress@Rio which the award is Best Local Growth & Development Program. Special thanks to National Board and all members from JCI Apex.
a group of people posing for pictures in front of a statue and the words, 2013 / 11 / 08 visited corverado jc world congress @ rio
JCI World Congress 5th Day@Rio! Corcovado (耶稣山) is the landmark in Rio and even Brazil! It is a "must go" sightseeing spot if you visit Rio!!!
a group of people standing next to each other
JCI World Congress 4th Day@Rio! Japan Night is one of the highlight in Asia Area Conference or Congress! You can try the traditional taste of Japanese food and experienced the culture!! Awesome!!
collage of photos with people at podiums and onlookers
JCI World Congress 4th Day@Rio! Congratulations to JCI EVP Shine Bhaskaran be elected as JCI President and JCIHK 2009 National President Ken Wong be elected as JCI Executive Vice President!! Looking forward to their great leadership to impact the world!!!
a group of people standing next to each other
JCI World Congress 4th Day@Rio! Thanks to JCIHK. We have chance to have meeting with UN Foundations to discuss Nothing but Nets and how we can impact the world!