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Love & Dogs - I think I may need to put this over my dogs bed in his little corner of the house ;)
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I ignored all those talking crap today at work so I must've done something right based on this quote!!!!
Perfect Diamonds
Like me, you might be in the midst of a transition. A change in job, city, relationship, or a new realization about the world and your place in it and the people around you. We know we're going to ...
Life is tough, my darling, but so are you. - Stephanie Bennett-Henry
Life is tough, my darling, but so are you. ~
Breakfast at Tiffany's Party {and a Tiffany & Co. Giveaway, Dahlings}
Commona My House: Breakfast at Tiffany's Party {and a Tiffany & Co. Giveaway, Dahlings}