Arviointi/self evaluation

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Itsearvioinnin tehostaminen
Lukuvuosi starttasi kunnassamme eilen yhteisessä VESO-koulutuksessa. Saimme koulutuksessamme kuulla Erja Vitikan esityksen perusopetuksen OPS2016 arviointiosiosta ja se laittoi ajatukset sopivasti …
Tori Gorosave - Teacher Inspiration
FREE! This has been a life saver for me! I attach this Substitute Report (one for each class) to my lesson plans. It easily allows subs to provide feedback (via a checklist) on class behavior, if they followed my lesson plan, how the students behaved, noise level, areas of difficulty, outstanding students, challenging students, and general comments. I receive the best feedback from my subs now.
My 3rd Monday Made-it and Manic Monday :)
C is for Cookies, Cakes, Children, Classroom, and Crafts: My 3rd Monday Made-it and Manic Monday :)
My Choices Today...note home to parents I really like this! make the student have accountability for their actions! Change to positive wording.
Parent Teacher Conferences Self-Evaluation
Parent Teacher Conferences Self-Evaluation- Student, Teacher and Parents are involved
Student Goal Setting Checklist
This checklist makes setting and tracking goals simple for kids! Give each student a goal sheet weekly or monthly. Have students choose 3 goals from the picture sheet, then cut and paste their goals onto their goal sheet. At the end of the week or month have students check off whether they accomplished the goal or still need to work on it. Then they will choose new goals for the next month. You could have students tape their goal sheet to their desk or keep it in a folder.
Student Portfolios!
Student Portfolios! great idea for maybe 3rd through 5th. Have them self evaluate.
Top 5 Freebies of the Week 2/23/2013 -
Blog post- Top 5 freebies of the week- includes a student self evaluation at report card time! Genius!