Dream houses

95 Pins
12 Modern Indoor Pools
New Wonderful Photos: Modern Beach House I actually used to dream I would live in a house like this as a teenager (in my dreams I was swimming in the pools) More
moderni puutalo
Light! And the books!
65 Home Library Design Ideas With Stunning Visual Effect
What about using yardsticks as a ceiling treatment...would look similar to this in shape and coloring, but would have the nostalgia of a "school house" feel...appropriate for a quaint library.
Ocean view reading room MoRe PiCtUrEs: http://www.amazon.com/Tapioca-Fire-Suzanne-Gilbert-ebook/dp/B00FYJQJDO/ref=dp_kinw_strp_1
New Zealand's best new baches -
Showcasing five fantastic new designs for summer There’s a particular art to designing the perfect bach, and HOME magazine’s brand-new issue has plenty of advice on how to go about it. Included in the new issue is this bach on Rakino Island, designed by architect Malcolm Walker. It’s a place where the architect and owners have identified the essentials …
A Neglected Hut Turned Into A Lovely Little Retreat
a south african beach house by the style files