
3 keinoa venyttää "sielun lihasta" eli psoasta
3 keinoa venyttää "sielun lihasta" eli psoasta — Mielen Ihmeet
Lonkan venyttely viidellä tehokkaasti avaavalla liikkeellä – selkäkipujen ja huonon ryhdin syynä ovat usein kireät lonkankoukistajat
Kireät lonkankoukistajat selkäkipujen syynä? 5 avaavaa venytystä
Älä vaan tee tätä virhettä, jos niska on jumissa! Niska-hartiaseutua vahvistava superliike toimii paremmin
Kotivoimisteluohjelma jalkojen lihasvoiman ja tasapainon harjoittamiseksi
[Soft Tissue Therapy] Improve Mobility and Recover faster in between workout with Soft Tissue Therapy! Foam Rolling is a simple and affect way to help roll out knots and adhesions in your Soft Tissue that will restrict your movement and lead to Compensation in your movement if you don't address them. Practice Soft Tissue Therapy between workouts and improve both Mobility and Recovery! #prehabexercises #softtissuetherapy #recoverfaster #mobility #keepgettingbetter
[Soft Tissue Therapy] Improve Mobility and Recover faster in between workout with Soft Tissue Therapy! Foam Rolling is a simple and affect way to help roll out knots and adhesions in your Soft Tissue that will restrict your movement and lead to Compensation in your movement if you don't address them. Practice Soft Tissue Therapy between workouts and improve both Mobility and Recovery! #prehabexercises #softtissuetherapy #recoverfaster #mobility #keepgettingbetter
How To Loosen Tight Muscles With These 6 Foam Roller Moves
Check out these 6 Foam Roller Moves to Loosen Tight Muscles! Are you achey after a workout? Or want to prevent being super-sore tomorrow? A foam roller is EXACTLY what you need! Try these today!
Foam Roller Exercises: The Ultimate Guide for Backs, Necks and More
25+ Amazing Foam Roller Exercises For An Incredible Full-Body Massage