
156 Pins
People from Tuscany are most similar to Neanderthals - Neanderthal Sites and Migration Routes of Modern Humans into Europe 40,000 years ago
Mapping Mankind’s Trek – Ancient Coastlines and Land Bridges
Mapping Mankind’s Trek – Ancient Coastlines and Land Bridges | Abroad in the Yard
Ice Age Maps showing the extent of the ice sheets
Ice Age Maps showing the extent of the ice sheets
Variants - vDiplomacy | Viking history, European history, Historical maps
Viking Raids 820-941
Maps on the Web
The world in 120m lower sea level vs an 80m rise in sea level, via NASA World Wind by mattsdfgh
Not Eminem on Twitter
You Man-Made Climate Change Weak Sisters need to come up with a little science for support. @MyID_Research
Maps on the Web: Photo
The World after the sinking of Atlantis and Aegiis, 9000 BC
Did Volcanic Activity Play a Role in Early Human Evolution and Migration? – Geology In
Did volcanic activity play a role in early human evolution and migration? | Geology IN
Pre-historic Era
Yetsias Mitsraim. How we migrated from Africa. Happy Kwanza to ALL of us!