Yuri on ice!!!

349 Pins
Crédit To the artist! #yurionice #yoi #victorxyuri #yurixvictor #victuri #yaoi
Otabek memes. Best Collection of funny Otabek pictures on iFunny
I don't ship it but I personally find this to be hilarious just because that's something victor would do
Yuri on Ice / #yoi Barcelona Exhibition pair skating #Viktuuri #Otayuri
Victor/Viktor Nikiforov x Yuri/Yuuri Katsuki / Victuri / Victuuri / Vikturi / Viktuuri / Yuri on Ice / #yoi
If Yurio and Victor's roles were reversed.... DAMN Yurio is HAWT AF
Yuri!!! on Ice 2017★
memes, imágenes, comentarios, información y entretención. Para l… #detodo # De Todo # amreading # books # wattpad