Kissat Cats (and a few others)

Kissan, ja vähän muidenkin eläinten, elämää, ruokintaa, terveydenhoitoa ja harrastuksia koskevia artikkeleita ja tietysti kuvia
728 Pins
Worlds Cutest Frog - Desert Rain Frog - Furry 'N Cute
For a list of human food that’s good – and tasty – for your cat, click here.
hi, I found this useful for the pet with hip pain
Aww keep me updated. I hope they figure out what’s making you feel bad.
Maybe if I sit really still, no one will see me way up here! Although, I'm not so sure about how to get down.
** " Two levelz in kittenhood: 'expert' and 'catfood'."
Cat sounds in different languages. by James Chapman.