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Gift ideas
33 Pins
How to make a gift bow - 100 Layer Cake
I may never buy bows again. How to make them out of a page of a magazine, or any colorful paper.
Facilitating the Appreciation
Cookies in a pasta cannister....what a great idea for teacher appreciation, get well, Christmas....oh, the possibilities!
How to Buy Toys for Other People's Kids
Help for that next birthday party and your holiday shopping... How to buy great (and meaningful) gifts for yours AND OTHER people's children.
Sweet Covered Button Hair Ties
A step by step tutorial for making covered Button Hair Ties - a great hand made gift idea for Christmas.
DIY Wrapping Paper - Dots with Office Stickers
Dotty DIY Wrapping Paper Idea, part of a series of fun and inexpensive wrapping paper crafts. via
Six Sisters' Stuff · Family Recipes, Food, Fun Crafts
Need quick gift ideas? Check out these 100 stocking stuffers for your man this holiday season from #sixsistersstuff #christmas #giftideas