Organic gardening - Orgaaninen puutarhan hoito

117 Pins
Using Eggshells As Organic Pest Control
Eggshells as Organic Pest Control. Works to kill Japanese beetles, flea beetles, snails, slugs, and other pests in the garden. And it's FREE! |
Straw-bale gardening lets you grow vegetables without soil
straw bale garden..going to try this, gotta be a way to eliminate the back breaking work and battles with weeds.
How To Build a DIY Vertical Vegetable Garden
Excellent idea for indoor garden. Space-Saving Vertical Vegetable Garden gardening on a budget #garden #budget
Using Eggshells As Organic Pest Control
Eggshells as Organic Pest Control. Works to kill Japanese beetles, flea beetles, snails, slugs, and other pests in the garden. And it's FREE! |
Pennies glued to square foot garden
Glued pennies to the side of my square foot garden bed to keep slugs away. Slugs and snails won't cross copper.
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Cornmeal As Weed Killer And Pest Control: How To Use Cornmeal In The Garden ! Who Knew ?
The BEST Soil Combination for Raised Garden Boxes
BEST Maaperän yhdistelmä varten Raised Garden Laatikot || Weed 'Em ja Reap
How to Plant a Vegetable Garden - Herb Gardening - Redbook
When you plant a pot, put an un-cracked egg in the bottom. As the egg decomposes it will feed the plant.
How to Grow Multiple Different Fruits on One Tree
How To Grow Multiple Different Fruits On One Tree - SHTF Preparedness