Koulu: Matikka - kertotaulu

24 Pins
Mathe & Motorik - auch möglich mit Schrauben ODER: Aufbewahrung von Materialien in Drehverschluss-Behältern! Außerdem: Spiele mit Masche versehen (wer spielen will muss danach zubinden :))
Násobkové řady – vějíře
Stránka na výrobu násobkových vějířů. Dítě řadí části vějíře ve správném pořadí.
Easy Finger Math Tricks | LoveToKnow
Here's a number of tips/tricks for multiplying on your fingers.
Súper idea DIY para aprender las tablas de multiplicar (3) - Imagenes Educativas
Súper idea DIY para aprender las tablas de multiplicar (3)
Hate Math? These Mental Tricks Will Have You Multiplying Faster Than Einstein Ever Could!
Hate Math? These Mental Tricks Will Have You Multiplying Faster Than Einstein…
If You're Bad At Math, It's Because You Didn't Learn These 11 Simple Tricks
If You're Bad At Math, It's Because You Didn't Learn These 11 Simple Tricks
Súper idea DIY para aprender las tablas de multiplicar (3) - Imagenes Educativas
Súper idea DIY para aprender las tablas de multiplicar (3)
Multiplication Multiples By JH
Here's a set of number organizers that show multiples of each number inside the number outline. These might be interesting pieces in student notebooks.
It’s All the Same (a Math Puzzle Game)
multiplication sentence, repeated addition, and arrays
How to Teach Arrays
How to Teach Arrays - use dough to build rectangular arrays and so many more great arrays ideas on this blog post!!