
More Sun Printing Fabric with Dye-na-Flow - Bloom, Bake & Create
Closeup of fern sun printed fabric
Aurinkovärjays jatkuu, osa 2
Kässää Mankolassa: Aurinkovärjays jatkuu
Kool-aid & vinegar tye dye http://www.budget101.com/tips-n-tricks/904-fast-easy-tie-die.html
heyjenrenee.com -&nbspheyjenrenee Resources and Information.
kool dye your yarn - hehe...my nieces did this basically on my nice white bed linens when visiting one year so I KNOW the colors stays in....
smart dyeing
Sprinkle Dyed Yarn DIY from Chalk Legs- Great technique for our Acid Dyes!
Gene's Rug Hooking Blog » Search Results » hitomi
Salt shaker wool dyeing technique (rug hooking)
Experimentos con tinte: Dip dye vs. sprinkle dye
I think that thay got it wet then sprinkled cool-aid on it.
Kaarisillan käsityö: Värjäysesimerkkejä
Aurinkovärjays jatkuu, osa 2
Kässää Mankolassa: Aurinkovärjays jatkuu, osa 2