Urban planning

55 Pins
Gallery of Hovenring, Circular Cycle Bridge / ipv Delft - 12
Hovenring, Circular Cycle Bridge,Courtesy of ipv Delft
14 Patterns of Biophilic Design
Park-ing Day Make-shift outdoor seating with temporary landscaping in the streets.
Plateforme temps on Twitter
"Cultures & climates differ all over the world, but people are the same. They'll gather in public if you give them a good place to do it." -Jan Gehl
Project for Public Spaces VP Ethan Kent's Address to University of Oklahoma's 2013 Placemaking Conference
The Sidewalk Ballet: Project for Public Spaces VP Ethan Kent's Address to University of Oklahoma's 2013 Placemaking Conference
To encourage the effective design of public space, Gehl Architects has made a checklist of 12 qualities that public spaces should aspire to. These, he clusters under the categories of “Protection”, “Comfort” and “Delight”. They make sense on an experiential level. If you want to do an interesting exercise keep this checklist handy the next time you go on a walk around your neighbourhood. Source: http://courses.washington.edu/gehlstud/WEBSITE_CONTENT/Resources/R_gehlqualitycriteria.pdf
Walk Bike Places on Twitter
Plan for people pedestrians and walk ability
slow ottawa on Twitter
Enrique Peñalosa, former mayor of Bogotá, wants to see a minimum grid of bike and pedestrian routes established in all cities and suburbs, granting people of all ages easy access to schools, parks, community centres and mass transit. Click image for link to video and visit the slowottawa.ca boards >> https://www.pinterest.com/slowottawa/
Designing Our Future: Sustainable Landscapes
These are common place in Oregon, but could be used everywhere stormwater needs to be controlled. Much better than dumping into storm sewer. Cleans the water before it hits streams, rivers and lakes. Helps recharge ground water.