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Greyhound / Whippet Dog Crochet Amigurumi
Crochet your own amigurumi Whippet / Greyhound / Italian Greyhound /Galgo. You can buy the Amigurumi Dog Pattern from svetaminka2 Etsy Shop. This is the PDF File with step-by-step Crochet Dog Pattern in ENGLISH with lots of photos. The PDF File is for Instant Download. #crochetwhippet #whippetcrochetpattern #amigurumiwhippet #crochetgreyhound #greyhoundcrochetpattern #amigurumigreyhound #crochetitaliangreyhound #crochetgalgo #svetaminka #crochetdogpattern #amigurumidogpattern #svetaminkacrochet
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