People of the World

China by Zhang Xiexiong. Culture, old lady, woman, female, pipe, smoker, smoking, aged, wrinckles, hand, fingers, a face with stories to tell, portrait, photograph, photo
Papua New Guinea | Little girl waiting for her sing-sing group to start dancing again. Goroka Show | © Tway76, via flickr #faces
An inquisitive child of nature reflective of a feathered friend of the wild captivated be each other. Such beauty of life in two different forms, speaking with their eyes and connecting with peace. Brazil
Some (cultures) people from the Solomon Islands have naturally blonde hair. This might be one of that group. I have no info on this pin.
Girl in India by Joe Routon / 500px
Girl in India by Joe Routon I wonder if she's an Indian of African Descent
Kayapo girl, brazil.
kayapo girl with traditional body paintings and hair cut, brazil. The Kayapo, along with other brazilian indian tribes,are gonna loose their land that will be flooded by the construction of a huge hydroelectric plant in the amazonian forest and we are helpless to prevent that...
Tribal fantasy in Gujarat by Rudi Roels on Flickr.#Repin By:Pinterest++ for iPad#
National Geographic Travel Photo Contest Winners
South West Ethiopia. The Suri are an ethnic minority tribe that live in South West Ethiopia. Their homeland is remote, located in desolate mountains, without easy access or modern communications. To beautify themselves, the young girls use face paint to create interesting patterns. At they get older, this paint is replaced with body scarring and lip plates.