
240 Pins
Sound Songs
Fourth grade class wrote some terrific "sound songs". I got this idea from another music teacher. Thank you! It was a hit.
Music Educator
Lots of ideas and inspiration here for music Lessons/Games for the piano studio or music classroom.
Best Strategies for Teaching Rhythm
music teaching ideas | single parent tips | home organization ideas | elementary music lesson plans | printable planners | world music lessons
Stay Tuned!
Stay Tuned!
The Music Clef
Sound Song | A great way for K-1 students to begin composing their own music - Compose with icons - Students will be thrilled to hear their piece performed by the whole class.
Start A Fire
A fun little body percussion/hand clapping game to do alone or with a partner. Easy addition for Chicken on a Fencepost!
Welcome to Third Grade Music!! In today’s lesso…
Welcome to Third Grade Music!! In today’s lesso… « A Day In The Life