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When a witness to an incident offers Hardy and Miller some food and Hardy's face lights up.
14 Times Olivia Colman And David Tennant Were Sassy As Hell
HARDY BEING SUPPORTIVE OF/KIND TO ELLIE IS MY JAM!!! :))) I love relationships where one person seems to distrust and hate life and the world but completely loves and trusts that one person. :)))
Broadchurch/Gracepoint parallel ELLIE: The longer it goes on, I'm just starting to suspect everyone. JOE: When you say everyone ...? ELLIE: Well, nearly everyone. JOE: Shame, cos I am available for rigorous questioning in our bedroom every evening.
'Giggling' would rule out Broadchurch romance star says | ITV News
We all saw it - the signs, the tears, the teeny weeny bit of hope that there maybe something more...However, brace yourself Broadies, but it could well be true...As Olivia Colman revealed at an awards ceremony that she thinks there will be no romance between Miller and Hardy because...they would giggle too much! Read her comments here...
Arthur Darvill, Olivia Coleman, David Tennant/Broadchurch
CSI: Gallifrey
I'll just add that to the list of things I need for my life to be complete, shall I?
Another funny moment sadly deleted! It even raises a rare Hardy smile! — Ep 6 #Broadchurch #MillardyMoments #DeletedScene (UK Version)