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Pixie Cut mit Locken: Trendige Looks und Styling-Tipps für ein frisches Upgrade im Jahr 2024/2025
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DIY by Becs — Platinum Blonde
Oops! I did it again. Round✌️of bleaching & toning my hair at home was a success. This time I touched it up at 4 weeks instead of 6. I noticed last time that I got banding with 6 weeks of grow out...but 4 weeks turned out flawless👌. Also gave myself a little chop✂️chop. Loving this DIY hair life. If you want to see the technique & products I use to get these results, check out my YouTube channel for a tutorial. #DIYbyBecs #hairadventurer
40+ Convincing Reasons Why You Should Get A Pixie Cut This Season
A pixie cut might be a great option for a self-confident woman pursuing a career or a woman who is a tomboy by nature. It’s because a pixie has this unique carefree vibe with a hint of bossiness, and the letter quality is not that common in other haircuts.Intrigued? Then let’s go pick a cool pixie for you. #pixie #pixiehaircut