small and amazing

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Tervetuloa Elisa Webmail -käyttäjäksi
There are sooo many cool things you can do with old wooden instrument bodies. This one is quite the intricate dollhouse out of an old violin.
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The Adell Venus Collection of Miniatures | Maine Antique Digest The 1¼" wide walnut-cased drafting set by William R. Robertson (est. $200/400) sold for $18,750 Bearing a tag on the underside engraved with the maker’s name and inscribed 1993, the chest has two rabbeted drawers. The lower drawer holds art supplies, including watercolors and colored pencils; the upper drawer holds a protractor, French curves, and a rule; and the case top holds drafting tools, dividers, and ruling pens.
Miniature mini libraries thematic " collection of teddy bears "
Miniature mini libraries thematic collection of door bagusitaly, €430,00
By Val Harper, dba UNIQUE MINIATURES. Real shells, mini geodes, mini fossils, resin-preserved insects in the specimen jars
*thicket People Magic ShOp*
* Thicket People MAGICSHOP *