Illus Urban

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5 Sections
Afterlife, Lighting and Vegetation study
Hey everyone! I decided to improve some of my vegetation skills so I made this post-apocalyptic setting. The main scene. Closeup of that cute teddy bear. Closeup of the flowers, courtesy of the Botaniq add-on. Red eerie version because I love those infrared like photography colors. You can check more here: Brellias Thanks for your attention!
Ink pen drawing by Wesley Willis, infamous for his music, especially "Rock and Roll McDonalds". He was also a talented artist and hero to many, who like him, suffered from schizophrenia. Aside from his character, I also love his art.
Inspired by Paul Hogarth | Seeing.Thinking.Drawing
Paul Hogarth, noted English artist and illustrator, who used his drawings and watercolors to document places and events during his many travels.
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Bene Detta 0 – 365ONROAD Artworks
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Bene Detta 0 – 365ONROAD Artworks
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Bene Detta 0 – 365ONROAD Artworks
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Bene Detta 0 – 365ONROAD Artworks
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Benedetta Rossi