
27 Pins
Easy Ways To Relieve Stress
1. Yoga helps in stress relief. 2. Yoga helps in keeping the joints healthy.
Fun Yoga Breathing Exercises for Kids: Animal Breathing - Very Special Tales
Fun yoga breathing exercises for kids inspired by the animal world: lion's breath, bumble bee breathing, crocodile breathing, cat pose. Plus lots of other suggestions to make deep breathing a fun activity for kids #yogabreathingforkids #yogabreathingexercisesforkids #deepbreathingforkids #deepbreathing #breathingexercisesforkids #breathingforkids #breathing #yoga #mindfulness #parenting #copingskills #emotionalregulation #lionsbreath #bumblebeebreath #crocodilebreath #catposeyoga #printable
Yoga for Kids: Sun Salutation for Kids
Wake up call! A great way to wake up your mind and body is the sun salutation. The sun salutation pose sequence can be a challenge for adults and children because it requires us to hold plank and low push up positions. Many people can’t do those positions safely so to protect kids’ growing bodies, I made a safer variation for them. This child-safe sun salutation skips the poses where form often suffers and instead replaces them with poses more people can do to make it safe and accessible. Want
Easy Chair Exercises to Tone Your ABS and Belly
A workout for you to get perfect ABS! Easy Chair Exercises were created to reduce the size of the belly quick and easy! Do it and enjoy the results! #fatburn #burnfat #gym #athomeworkouts #exercises #weightlosstransformation #exercise #exercisefitness #weightloss #health #fitness #loseweight #workout