
15 Pins
Simple and inexpensive December centerpieces. Made these for my December wedding! Pinecones, spanish moss, fairy lights and dollar store vases.
16 Favorite Easy Gift Wrapping Ideas (Many are Free!)
16 inspiring gift wrapping hacks on how to make instant gift bags and beautiful gift wraps in minutes, using re-purposed materials for almost free! - A Piece Of rainbow
Des filtres à café en flocon, quelle drôle d’idée! - Wooloo
Aujourd’hui, je vous propose d’enneiger vos fenêtres de la maison, de la garderie ou de l’école! Nous allons réaliser de beaux flocons avec un filtre à café, vous avez aussi besoin de ciseau et si vous le désirez, de la colle scintillante. Prenez un filtre et posez le devant vous, pliez-le en deux, défaites les […]
Beautiful, simple Danish Christmas DIY inspiration (my scandinavian home)
This is getting re-pinned quite a bit from me. Since I care WHO pins things from me, I'm going to add this: Do NOT pin this from me if you are a Hillary hater. I will report you and block you. If you really want this pin, go to the source. Thank you.
How to Make Cheap Snowflakes Out of Toilet Paper and Paper Towel Tubes - Cook'n with Mrs. G
How to Make Cheap Snowflakes Out of Toilet Paper and Paper Towel Tubes - Cook'n with Mrs. G
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Home decor with pine cones, visit my Etsy shop:
We are very proud to introduce our very own glass hurricanes, which have been cleverly designed by the style aficionados here at Nordic House to be the perfect finishing touch for any interior.
Beautiful Paper Snowflake Designs to DIY (Snowflakes Pattern)
Wonderful DIY Paper Snowflakes With Pattern |